Robert Rodriguez: 10 Minute Film School


Robert Rodriguez made his name in the film business because he was resourceful.

His first feature, El Mariachi, was made for $7,000 in 1992 – $1,000 less than he budgeted for. Where other indie filmmakers were saving up to hire a dolly track for moving shots, he was being pushed around in an old wheelchair. When his actress had to go to her other job, he put on a wig and shot a reverse angle so viewers couldn’t see his face.

Though he moved from Mexico to Hollywood and gained access to bigger budgets, better equipment, and actors who didn’t need to take a second job, his thrifty nature remained intact, and went on to inspire a new generation of indie filmmakers.

He did this through comprehensive commentaries on his films, a book detailing how he managed to make El Mariachi for such little money, and his 10 Minute Film School video series, which details everything Rodriguez has learnt about filmmaking in ten minutes or less.

These videos are a MUST for new filmmakers, and are sure to wow those with even a flickering interest in the craft.

Take a look.





Rodriguez also produced a 15 Minute Film School which is available on the DVD/Blu-Ray for Sin City.

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