Living Life and Doing Business YOUR Way



Yes, I am that gal – the one with three kids 8 and under who decided life was far too boring to settle into that…

The gal who shirked being a pharmacist because well, it was boring…

The gal who now gets looked at as though she has two heads because she cannot be bothered to take part in ‘same old, same old’ conversations about what the children are getting up to and so she generally avoids the parents and sits on her own doing what makes her heart sing – Writing, maybe cranking out a song and making money!

Yes that is me – I am crazy and I own it.

I am all about taking massive action, doing the things I dream about doing and doing it all right now with no apology.

I have not always been this way though – I have been known to defer to ‘authority’ and position myself beneath the thumb of some dude or dudette who decided what people like me should do and I did it for so long as well. What a waste of time – How much further down my path could I be if I had not done that!

And yet, you have not seen the light yet, have you? – You keep putting your dreams on hold for the children and then resenting the lovelies when they grow up expecting you to keep doing that forever.

Because someone, somewhere told you what parenting is supposed to look like.

Staying put in a job that you no longer like because you think it is the responsible thing to do instead of tapping into the fact that you are more than capable of getting something off the ground if you set your mind like flint and got to work.

Because someone somewhere told you what adulthood is supposed to look like…

And even worse, you took the plunge and started in business but now you are trapped doing marketing and sales in a way that does not suit you because again, someone somewhere told you how a business owner is supposed to do things.

Isn’t it time you broke free of all the ‘rules’?

There is a part of you that wants to do things your way and you just know that the way you are doing them currently is not it and yet, you keep doing it and doing it even though pieces of your soul are dying each and every day.

I mean, we all know that building a business is not easy, right?

We all know that we have to work hard and really, you work pretty hard at what you are doing so it is not that you are lazy or anything…

Oh no, the problem here is that you think you need permission.

You think someone (who is busy looking for permission themselves) is going to take time from their hamster wheel to tell you that you can now do things the way you have always dreamt of.

Well, let me let you into something here…

No one is coming to rescue you.

Yes, you heard right, no one is coming.

You are the savior here.

And incidentally, you have everything you need to save yourself before your time runs out and let me tell you, it is tick-tick-tocking away right now even as we speak (or you read!).

Ok, let me give you some ideas for creating the life and the business that you want.

1. No longer allow old definitions to define you – You are unique and you can do things any old way you like. There is no one way to parent, you do not have to enjoy doing craft and all the stuff the ‘good’ parents do. I mostly enjoy going to a coffee shop with my princesses so find your thing and get someone else to do the other stuff. I choose to home educate them for the freedom but I actually hate the teaching so I found a curriculum that kept my teaching time to a bare minimum and soon enough, a tutor will be found. Ultimately, there is always a way to live life in a way you enjoy if you will just choose to figure it out.

2. Learn the basics of marketing and sales then get on with throwing it all out and letting your uniqueness shine through. This does take some time to do as we have all been conditioned to think and act in one way. And it is harder for you if you were a professional in a former life, because you think everything has to be done properly and in order so that you look the part.And so when the gates are thrown open, you are not sure whether to run out or stay hidden and maintain the status quo.I say, run out, wild and free and do your own thing. Use what you learn but spin it your way. There are basic principles like keep increasing your circle of influence and keep asking them to buy but other than that, just get to work having fun and figuring things out your way.

3. Create a life where everything is not split up into little bits – Your business, your health, your relationships, your spirituality is all part of you. And when you try to split it all up, it gets really hard to keep up with everything and some thing(s) suffers. Just be you in all areas of life and involve all the people in your life in every area. Be congruent, as the gurus say. And if some people do not like it, they will fall off anyway so why care about it? Let go of whatever no longer suits you and keep asking yourself the question ‘Is this helping or hindering?’.If any role definition, any belief, any strategy is hindering you from living life the way you would like to, shed it quickly. Rip off the band-aid now – I promise that after the dust settles, you will feel better for it.

OK, are you ready?

Fight for, create the life, the business you want… Because you can.

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