Concern Yourself with Character, Not Reputation

Image: Jakob Hansson / DeviantArt


As our business builds, we often have the habit of comparing ourselves to the titans of our industry. It’s not difficult; we see those who have succeeded and we try to learn from them.

At least, we try to learn from our perceived image of them. Unless we know these people personally, all we know is their reputation, and reputation is a facade.

It’s no surprise then that, as we grow, we often become fixated on the aesthetic of our own facade. Pretty soon, what we’re doing isn’t as important as how we are perceived when we do it.

Beware falling into this trap!

You cannot control your reputation. As you achieve excellence, you will make enemies. They will talk shit about you because they are cowards. Because it makes them feel good about themselves. Because they don’t understand you. They don’t know you. They are lampooning your reputation, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

What you can control, however, is your character.

The people you know, the people you trust – friends, employees, clients, collaborators – don’t care about your reputation. Being that close to you, they know the real you, and the real you is what makes you excellent.

Reputation is about the me. Character is about the we. It’s about trust, intimacy, and achievement, the foundations of leadership. The foundations of growth.

So start focusing on who you actually are, not on who the jealous, misinformed, and gossips think you are.

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