Be Dumb. Be Strong. Be Great.


Ever found yourself surrounded by people who turn to you for all the answers?

Sure, it makes you feel pretty proud to be the smartest person in the room, but in the long term, how does that help you become better?

It’s time to find a new room.

One in which everyone is significantly more knowledgable, more educated, and more experienced than you.

But guess what? That’s the easy part.

The difficult part is to summon your courage and charge into the challenge headfirst!

In a room full of people who ‘get it’, the people who don’t generally aren’t willing to raise their hand. They’ve grown up through a system that belittles those that readily admit a lack of understanding to what lies before them. The system calls it peer pressure. We call it hate. And most people fear it, long into their professional careers.

We see it all the time. You can tell when someone doesn’t fully grasp a concept, but for all your coaxing you can’t make them admit it.

We get it.

It takes guts to put yourself on the line. It takes guts to ask “why?” or “how?”.

It takes guts to pursue greatness.

For that is what you are doing. Every time you fail to raise your hand, you are denying yourself an opportunity to become stronger.

So the next time you have a question, ask it. Nobody will think less of you. Nobody will laugh. Nobody will call you stupid. And you’ll be better for it.

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