Why Faking it to Make it is a Sure Way to Break it


Along my journey as an Abundance Coach and Entrepreneur, I’ve come across many interesting terms and concepts for implementation.

And I know you may have heard the term “Fake it to Make it”, finding some truth in this cute catch phrase that has floated around the personal and self-development industries.

But I’m here to keep it real with you and let you in on a little secret.

The beautiful truth that you may have failed to realize in your understanding of the term is the thing that separates the successes from those who’ve claimed to achieve it.

And the fact of the matter is this:

Faking it to make it is a sure way to break it.

And although I have nothing against you putting on a front in your personal and professional life, I want you to read this and ultimately realize how being fake directly influences the way you receive your life and/or your business and the results you experience…

The truth is this:

No one believes you when you’re faking.

And it’s hard to create relationships or success because ultimately it’s hard for you to believe it yourself.

We all know the difference between those who talk about it and those who live it.

And when we’re being taken for a ride, it’s hard to get to know you, like you or trust you enough to invest time, effort, energy or money in your attempts.

So why bother?

It’s impossible to feel as though we’re receiving anything worthy or valuable in exchange so we look to the next resource and ultimately those we feel are being real with us.

In addition, creating a façade for others allows you to disengage with where you are so that you can realize where you truly ought to be.

It removes the ability to see the facts and ultimately use them to create new ways to move up and onward, in a way that allows us to grow while moving forward.

Lastly, being fake creates a false sense of security and authenticity which ultimately leaves us searching for something fulfilling; something real that we can truly relate to.

Being fake breaks our ability to be authentic.

And our ability to be authentic directly creates our ability to be abundant.

Let’s face it:

Real can only recognize Real.

And the mysterious secret about the truth is, once you’ve heard it, it’s hard to remove from the mind.

So keep this in mind:

It’s two times harder to be something you’re not as opposed to being all that you are.

And it’s a complete waste to try and fake it when you could be authentic and truly make it.

In closing I want to also leave you with this in mind:

Being real about where you are in your life and business does not mean you have to share everything that you’re going through or have experienced.

It doesn’t mean you have to give out your blood type or your physical address.

Being real is a way of expressing your best interests and your intention.

And there’s no right or wrong way to do it…just a real way that people can feel and a fake way that clients can detect.

Keep your fans coming back for more and engage with them on a real level that they can know, like and trust.

Be relatable and able to speak with confidence as opposed to fear of being exposed.

And speak your truth, standing tall in your ability to transform it and use your truth to help others transform their lives as well.

There’s no reason not to.

And I hope reading this will give you the courage to stop faking it and breaking it in your attempts to make it…

Let us know how you’ll be using this article to live more authentically abundant in the comments below.

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