Your initial team came together to get your business up and running, they were dedicated, joined in one purpose, and worked together as if the company was their own “baby” too. Now you have had to grow the business staffing numbers to keep up with your business capabilities, growth, and development. The “newbies” are talented and well suited for the work you need them to do, but they do not share the same camaraderie and history as your original staff. In fact, they seem to be splitting off, feeling like outsiders, or they just don’t “get” the ideology of the work community. It’s time to take steps that will help the entire workforce to blend together, bond, and develop employee loyalty for the sake of the company.
Team development exercises work, but they must never feel manipulative or tactical. Start introducing fun and interesting lunch events and presentations. Build on the bonding that happens naturally over a group, or “family style” meal. These interactions within a company begin the identification process that a company owner or leader needs to build trust and productivity in the employee work environment.
Using Staff Development Models and Innovations
When taking steps to allow your growing staff to absorb company goals, new developments and changes use some techniques proven to motivate, stimulate, and nurture company loyalty, staff interdependency, and authentic team spirit. If you have the resources to set up a softball team or bowling league, do a research panel to see what your group wants. If you do not have the resources for this right now, use the goal to start one up as the focus of a group effort. This goal in itself will build a bond between the people you select. Mix original staff and new staff to get them interacting on a common purpose.
Another method for encouraging staff to integrate and establish trust and interrelated work flow is to establish a sense of healthy competition and unity. Let’s face it, we are a competitive race that thrives on the camaraderie of challenging one another. Employers can use this strategy to build incentives and develop interactive possibilities between staff. New and old staff members will unite with a common goal, such as accruing free gaming time in their company break room or gaming room. Staff can earn a smart card to enter an employee gaming room, credits can be added digitally to give the employees access by working on special company tasks, helping other employees with tasks, and gaining recognition for work related accomplishments.
According to extensive research in the gaming industry, statistica has gathered data on the habits of gamers in the United States. These are the most popular games that not only generate the most enthusiasm, they develop skills required by innovative corporations in the United States. These games promote strategy, planning, problem solving, increase memory functions, and performance skills, among others. Companies interested in using highly regarded incentives to increase productivity and integrate their growing staff quickly, find using gaming privileges has nearly immediate success. Publishing gaming information and statistics on staff gaming scoreboards, also increases involvement, awareness, and participation. The initial investment in setting up a gaming room is well worth the return.

Additionally, gamers are just as likely to be women as men. The skills developed by playing these games are not gender specific. Employee turnover is an expensive financial loss. Encouraging company loyalty in employees is one of the methods that reduces staff turnover. Integrating your new and old employees into a group that identifies with the goals and policies of the company also reduces talent loss.

A Video Gamer Nation
Last year the video game software industry alone made 235.7 million dollars in the United States. This is an increase from the previous years’ 223.2 million dollar gains. Whatever our nation’s financial difficulties with this economy, Americans find a way to keep up with the newest video game versions on the market each year! Making use of these trends, like group dining, company sporting teams, and socialization through gaming innovations is the key to modern employee loyalty for cutting edge work environments.