An Open Letter To Industry Thought Leaders:


It’s Time To Step Forward And
Claim Your Place On The World Stage.


Dear Thought Leaders,

With so much going on in the world right now, there has never been a more urgent need for you to step forward, across the planet.

In this age of anti-intellectualism:

We need thinkers, more than ever before.

We need innovators, more than ever before.

We need people committed to truth and excellence, more than ever before.


The biggest issue for Thought Leaders, everywhere is simply this:

It takes as much effort and time to become an expert at Business as it has to become an expert at your Career.

That’s why so many Thought Leaders are the best kept secret in their industry – because being amazing at what you do, is simply not enough. You need to understand business – sales, marketing, hiring, management – to build a business.

Unfortunately, a lot of Thought Leaders try to get around this by outsourcing the “business” side of their business to someone else – which creates so many problems.

It leaves you open to being screwed over by unscrupulous people at worst, or hiring under-performing staff who sell you excuses, at best.

The reality is: you can’t outsource what you don’t understand. There’s a difference between leverage and abdication.

Abdication – is sticking your head in the sand and hoping someone else will take care of your business.

Leverage – is learning what you need to know so that you can manage other people to take care of those things.

I get it – marketing is not your passion.

Making sales is scary.

You don’t want to be “pushy” or “obnoxious”.

Let me guess – in your quest to achieve that you’ve done a few things that haven’t worked out so well.

Maybe you’ve gotten into partnerships or strategic ventures where people have promised the world, but you’ve been left holding the bag when they didn’t follow through …

Maybe you’ve bought courses that promised that you’d “learn how to sell without being salesy!”, but the money just hasn’t followed.

Perhaps you’ve hired other people, or tried to outsource the sales and marketing – and it’s resulted in more headaches than sales.

So long as you keep trying to abdicate rather than leverage you’re going to stay on the plateau that you’ve found yourself on.

If that’s enough for you – cool.

But realistically? All of the Thought Leaders I know are obsessed with changing the world, with making things better.

“Enough” isn’t in their vocabulary.

They feel called to a higher purpose. They know their destiny is to create change in their pursuit of excellence.

They are, what I call, The 8 Percent ….


The 8 Percent are thought leaders, game changers, industry leaders.

They’re innovators who do things differently. They’re courageous – obsessed with creativity and excellence.

We work, every day, in the trenches with people who, just like you, are amazing at what they do, but who have never been trained in business.

Like Yuan, who’s a Dietician, who has transitioned her practice from delivering sessions for $120 an hour on Medicare, to now charging $8,000 for a 5 day event, working with dream clients. Her business has grown from $100k a year to $500k a year in the last 12 months.

But what’s more important to Yuan is – she’s no longer working with people on Medicare who don’t really want to fix their situations. She’s having high-level conversations about the science of hormone repair with highly motivated intellectuals.

Or Carla who is Australia’s #1 expert in Orofacial Myology- and who’s made $30,000 in the last month.

The money is nice, but her biggest breakthrough is that sales is FUN because people love talking to her about her area of expertise, and she can really help them by educating them. From there, she doesn’t have to be “pushy” – people just want to buy.

Or Tom who’s a Doctor and who, after growing his Gamsat business into multiple 6 figures, is now building a second passion business helping doctors do the same thing.

In fact, I’ve just spent a week with him working on his sales and marketing strategy and it’s been really amazing to watch him transform from being burned out on his last business to being excited and passionate about moving into his Great Work.

These are just 3 examples – we’ve supported literally hundreds of industry leaders over the last 10 years. It’s our best work, it’s what we do well.

Because when you add OUR area of 8 Percent Thought Leadership to theirs, it’s like adding gasoline to a fire – KABLAMO! Their businesses explode (IN A GOOD WAY!) and FAST.

We’ve moved more towards exclusively helping these people over the last few years, because we’ve realised: it brings us joy. It changes the world. It’s OUR GREAT WORK.

We help these people short-cut the process to becoming an expert at their business.

Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you’re going to be an expert from a single event. Just like you could never have become an expert in your career from a single event.

But over the 15 years of my career, I’ve gotten really good at learning from my mistakes and helping people not make the more stupid ones … and there have been some really, really stupid ones!

That’s why, in June, I’m going to be running a 3 Day Event that will walk you through, step-by-step, the process I use to get all of my Thought Leader clients to the point in their businesses where they’re making the kind of money they need.

The 8 Percent Thought Leaders Blueprint Event

Yes, I mean “need”.

Because, let’s face it – when you’re worried about money you’re not doing your best work. You can’t be fully focused on changing the world, if you’re worried about how to put food on the table.

That’s not a personal failing – it’s human.

You need to make good money so that you can focus on your work.

You need to make good money so that you can afford to hire the right team.

You need to make good money so that you can support the marketing and promotions that will get your message in front of the people who desperately need it.

But this isn’t just an event about making money – because a great sales process is useless if you don’t have your products, marketing, branding, facilitation and content right.

What we’re going to do is go right back to foundations over 3 days, and rebuild your business from the ground up.

We’re going to create a strategic blueprint that tells you exactly what to do next.

No more being unsure about what your next step is.

No more questioning where the next client is coming from.

No more lying awake at night wondering how you’re going to get your message out there.

Your 8 Percent Thought Leader Blueprint Includes:

Being a Thought Leader is the definition of being a premium brand. The question is – does your pricing, products and marketing reflect that?

In my experience, most Thought Leaders are under-mining their own positioning

From Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrants to Simon Sinek’s Golden Circles – Thought Leaders are model creators.

Learn how to turn your ideas into models that elegantly and effortlessly communicate your knowledge.

Thought Leaders require a completely different kind of marketing approach to other brands – it’s not about pretty logos and yelling about testimonials, it’s about demonstrating your knowledge.

I’m going to reveal to you how we’re currently doing that for our own business through two TV series we’ve produced internally – one that is being featured on Virgin Australia’s Inflight Entertainment System and one that’s going to premiere next year on Stan.

Community Building

I don’t have to teach you basic facilitation. If I put you on a stage, you’ll shine – even if you’re an introvert. Because you know your topic inside and out, and your passion for it shines through.

What I really want to show you is the next level of facilitation – that is, how to demonstrate beyond teaching. These cutting edge techniques will make you a sought after and talked about teacher.

Advanced Enrolment Strategies

Building A Team & Leadership

Who Is This For?

  • You know your topic backwards and forwards, but you’ve spent so much time “in the trenches” actually doing your job, that it’s never really occurred to you that people not only want to know what you know – they’d even pay you for it. Like, really well.
  • You’ve been working on your thought leadership positioning for awhile – maybe you’ve written a book, spoken on stages, even managed some good press – but you’re not seeing the kinds of sales that would support you focusing on this as your full-time business.
  • You’re an established expert, you have the equity in your marketplace – but your problem now is building and sustaining a team. Because you’re amazing at what you do – but transitioning into a “CEO” role is a whole new kettle of fish.

What's The Format Of The Event?

This is not a multi-speaker, 90 minute presentation pitch-fest event.

It’s 3 days of actual, practical, implementable information. You’ll walk away, not with 10 different products promising you the world, but with an actual blueprint and step-by-step plan for what to do next.

Why would I “give away” all of the information rather than leave out important parts and use the gaps to upgrade you to a larger sale?

Firstly, for me, that’s unethical.

But more importantly – I know if I fill a room full of members of The 8 Percent, there’s going to be a small group who want to join our community and work with us ongoing. That’s inevitable.

I don’t need tricks – I don’t need NLP and Hypnosis or to leave things out – to make that happen.

In fact, I believe that the best way to get those people to put their hands up is to show them the power of my fully operational Death Star – or for non-Star Wars people, by demonstrating my expertise and what it’s capable of doing.

I don’t hold back.

I give everything.

Who am I?

Presented By:

Multi award winning entrepreneur, Leela Cosgrove

Leela Cosgrove wasn’t supposed to become the Founder of a successful company. She grew up in a housing commission suburb in Brisbane, Australia, surrounded by violence, drug use and the ongoing rhetoric that she would amount to nothing.

She refused to submit to the expectations set for her, defying the odds and escaping the cycle of poverty she saw around her by starting her own business and growing it into a multi-million dollar enterprise

In 2016, Leela was invited by Virgin Unite to spend 4 days on Necker Island with Richard Branson and George and Amal Clooney, discussing how to use business as a force to change the world.

Leela was recently named in the top 50 fast growth companies in Australia by the largest Financial Publication in the world; has been named as one of Australia’s top 25 female entrepreneurs under the age of 40; was nominated for the Veuve Clicquot “New Generation” entrepreneur award; has spoken at TED; and has presented on marketing, sales, identity and The 8 Percent throughout Australia, the US and Asia.



Art Alexakis

Singer | Songwriter – Everclear


Nadine Champion

Speaker | Author | Martial Artist


Deng Adut

Child Soldier | Immigrant | Lawyer


Indira Naidoo

Author | Journalist | TV Presenter

With representatives from

The 8 Percent Thought Leaders
Blueprint Event

2 x $550
3-Day Event
19th-21st June, 2018
3-Day Event
19th-21st June, 2018