This is the first in a 3-part series about sales and how you can skyrocket your business just by changing your mindset. To be notified when the next 2 parts become available, enter your details below. We have some very, VERY exciting and game-changing stuff coming up, so now is the time to get in on the ground floor!
So, why has sales and selling become such a taboo subject? The truth is, you’re going to make sales in your business whether you like it or not. The only question is, how will you go about it? As you’ll see in this video, sales is a double edged sword. Will you cut yourself with the blade of fear? Or will you free yourself with the blade of love and self respect? The choice is yours.
What a snoozefest – hard to believe you ever sell anything. About as interesting and charismatic as an airline salad.
LOL yep, didn’t make it past a minute zzzzzz
You don’t like airline salad?
Someone’s clearly not flying business class …
Hahahah I’d have to agree with that one boys, I’ve had some bloody good salads *tips hat to Virgin business class chef* it’s hard to compete with a good airline salad.
Couldn’t even view the video…. not allowed lol
Hi Catherine, do you have the latest version of Flash installed? You can also try viewing in a different browser. I double checked and it’s all working fine on this end.