Million Dollar Meltdown (Why MOAR Won’t Make You Happy)


There’s this thing that happens when your business hits $800k.

The million dollars is in sight – hell, it’s a foregone conclusion. And that leaves you feeling … depressed.

I know, right. Depressed? At a Million? That’s ridiculous! YOU’RE HITTING THE GOAL!

But that’s not how it feels.

And of course, you feel guilty for feeling depressed and angry at everything because you KNOW you’re incredibly blessed. You KNOW you have so much more than most people.

But it feels so empty.

You can’t tell anyone about it – because you’re petrified you’d sound like the worst kind of complainer,

“WAAAA! I make millions of dollars and can afford all kinds of things! FEEL SORRY FOR ME!”

So you push it down, and you do what you know how to do. You work. You hustle. You do more. Because hey, obviously it’s “not enough” that got you here, right?

Fact is, it’s the tyranny of the achieved goal. After a certain point (and it’s WAY lower than you think) money becomes an abstract concept. It’s just a bunch of numbers on a screen – you become emotionally unattached. Which is a GOOD thing. You need to be able to do that to be successful.

But on the downside, breaking through those financial barriers stops being rewarding. For most of us, we don’t even realise we’ve hit the 7 figure point until we see our tax return (and debt!) for that year. Then there’s a,

“Oh. We made more than a million dollars!” moment, then you just get back to work.

So if it’s not all about the money, where’s the reward?


I hear some of you cry.

(And those of you who are already there snort with laughter.)

The thing about a million dollar business is that it’s still a very small business. You might have one or two employees, but you’re typically still doing almost everything on your own.

That old saying comes to mind,

“The Entrepreneur is the person who, to avoid working a 40 hour week, works an 100 hour week.”

The hours are long. The responsibility is all on you. Holidays? HA! Even when you DO travel, you work the entire time. As Gulliver once said to me,

“We’ve had crises and nervous breakdowns in some of the most beautiful resorts all over the world!”.

I’ve just spent a week working with three of my top clients at a 7 day event at my house that I called “Coven”.

These are hardworking women. SMART women. Accomplished women. And yet – they were all in the middle of a similar crisis.

Once you’ve got the money – then what?



So often the answer amongst those of us who are over-achievers is MOAR! MOAR WORK! MOAR MONEY! MOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!

But all “Moar” does is puts off the inevitable – which is coming to the realization that the thinking that got you where you are, is not the thinking that’ll get you where you need to be.

Throwing yourself over and over again into the same pattern will simply create ego depletion, exhaustion and burn out. You’ll end up hating everything – and everyone. You’ll spend most of your time thinking about ways in which to burn it all down … and if you’re not careful, you’ll start to subconsciously sabotage and it’ll start to fall apart.

I know because I’ve been there, too.

If you’re there right now, I know what it feels like. I know the fear and panic – the

“What if I’ve done all of this – put myself and my family through all of this – for nothing? What if it was a mistake? What’s wrong with me?”

I promise you – this is absolutely normal.

And it’s absolutely possible to pull yourself out of it.

But NOT with MOAR.

The thing is, to build what you’ve built, you’ve necessarily had to be a bit “all or nothing”. You’ve created the fundamental disconnect that comes from focusing on one thing to the extent of all others. That’s not a condemnation – it’s part and parcel of the journey.

But now, it’s time to surrender MOAR so that you can receive the happiness you truly deserve.

Replacing MOAR with HAPPY.

The biggest fear EVERY high achiever I talk to has about this is simply,

“Who am I if I’m not struggling for Moar? What if I stop and I lose everything.”

And of course – that’s the opposite of what happens. By surrendering MOAR you actually get more – more of what you really want. More space to determine what that actually is. More room to breathe.

If you’re in this place of MOAR right now and want to learn more about the exact four step process I’ve used to shift not only myself, but also several of my high-end clients, I’m running an online class revealing how we do it.

You can register now, by going here




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