Memorado: Switch On Your Brain, Ramp Up Your Creativity


Which is smaller, 25% off $13.50, 50% off $22, or $9 plus 5%?

If you can do that in your head in 2 seconds flat, congratulations. For the rest of us, maybe we need to give our brains a bit of a workout.

If you want to start your day off with a kick that will make you more alert, more motivated, and ramp up your creativity, brain training is a great way to do it.

Memorado is one of the most popular brain training sites online. Just like a physical training plan, when you sign up you are put onto a daily regime of 5 different games, based on what you want to achieve across the major areas: memory, speed, reaction, concentration, and logic. The games could be maths-related, like the example above. They could be visual, movement-based, memory-based—all have different set ups, with different outcomes.

Which is the odd one out?
Which is the odd one out?

When you first start Memorado, even though the levels are relatively easy, it does feel like going to the gym for the first time. You might feel a little confused, a little frustrated even. You might want to give up and go back to scrolling through your Facebook feed. But if you stick with it, the results will be worth it!

An increase in alertness, and better working memory are some of the more obvious benefits. But when you brain train, there are other things going on that you don’t know about:

Your brain is a complex living computer, it is a world of more than 100 billion nerve cells. Each brain cell or neuron is connected to the others around it vastly complex ways. Each neuron can form several thousand connections to other neurons. These connections formed between neurons are called synapses and they play a role in speeding up the signals your brain cells send. The neurons you are born with have to last your whole lifetime, but you can, with training, make them better connected and the connections stronger.

This is how brain training works, the more you train the more connections you make and the stronger your connections become. Just like opening another lane on a freeway your brain can increase its speed and keep the same number of junctions.

Keeping your brain in top shape is just as important as keeping your body in shape. Working the brain is thought to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, as well as improving your quality of life right now.

You can test Memorado with a free trial by clicking here! We promise if you stick with it you’ll start having fun!

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