Make sure to join us next week when Leela will be interviewing undefeated kickboxer Nadine Champion. Nadine came to our attention from her inspiring TEDx talk, 10 Seconds of Courage. Her story moved us profoundly, and we’re beyond excited to be talking to her live on next week’s podcast! Make sure you click here to register so you can attend live and ask your questions on the call!
He’s one of Australia’s most iconic actors, and now John Jarratt is focused on the future of the industry he has helped maintain for over 40 years.
I believe tv and radio stations are in real trouble. i dont watch network tv. i have netflix,hulu, and amazon. plus we have youtube and vimeo. and livestream. plus i have apps on my tablet for news,weather and sports. radio stations are hurting because everyone has playlists. when i go to the gym i ask people if they listen to the radio it is an overwelming no. i dont buy records anymore because i listen for free on youtube and pandora. also talk radio is now in trouble with so many people podcasting. i can search subject matter and someone is podcasting on that subject.