If This is Your First Night at Fight Club – You HAVE to Fight


People do it everyday. They talk to themselves…they see themselves as they like to be. They don’t have the courage you have, to just run with it – Tyler Durden.

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and suddenly it feels as if there is a stranger staring back at you? Like you are someone else looking at yourself? That weird uncanny feeling, as if there is another you out there somewhere? Maybe within a parallel world?

That maybe beneath the veil of darkness, or even in those corners of your mind you sometimes fear to go, lurks this part of you,  that is truly you, that is you without inhibition, that is you without fear?

That’s who is staring back at you from the mirror.

Do you know who this person is? Is it someone you hide away, or someone you have yet to discover? Does this person ever get to come out and play?

Or does this person exist only in those moments when you’re alone?

I see all the potential. And I see it squandered – Tyler Durden

We have more opportunities than ever before, so much more freedom and choice. All this potential for us to live the lives we want. But do we?

Do you?

Or do you hide this behind a day job? Hide behind those clothes you wear, which feel like binds around you, a hug-yourself jacket? Do you censor your words, the things you really want to say?

Do you stop yourself from doing the things you really want to do, thinking maybe you don’t have the option, or fearing maybe it won’t work out? Do you dream about things you never believe you can have? Do you stop yourself from being yourself?

Are you your own worst enemy?

First you have to give up. First you have to know – not fear, know – that someday you are going to die – Tyler Durden.

Would this make you be your true self? Do all those things that you really want to do? Be that person who you feel you truly are, but for some reason hide away?

Do you ask for what you want? Do you say yes when you should say no? Or say no when you should say yes?

If you were given your death date, if it was certain, would you change the way you lived your life? Would you try more things knowing that it wouldn’t really matter?

Have you figured out that you are not getting out alive? That no one gets out alive? That there is no saving? This could be it?

So then, tell me, what are you going to do NOW?

It’s only after you lose everything that you are free to do anything – Tyler Durden.

Maybe you will fall. Maybe disaster will strike. Maybe the world as you know it will end.

Then what?


You’ve lost everything. Your whole world has crumbled before you. There’s barely anything left, if at all. You sift through the soot and ash of a life now gone, abolished. What do you do now? Sit and wallow, let it consume you?

Or do you rise above, resurrect, rebuild? Do you take this as an opportunity to start over?

Think about that for one moment. You have nothing to hold onto, you have nothing that binds you or ties you down. You’ve been set free.

What do you choose to do now?

What will you do now?

I just don’t want to die without a few scars. I say, it’s nothing anymore to have a beautiful stock body. You see those cars that are completely stock cherry, right out of a dealer’s showroom in 1955…I always think, what a waste – Narrator.

Get out there and live your damn life. On your terms. The way that you want. Take the hits. Celebrate the wins.

Come out the other side maybe a little worse for wear, knowing that you gave it everything. Knowing that you took all the shots, embraced all the opportunities.

Did it your way.

Prove your alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic – Tyler Durden.

Sometimes it is not enough just to live. To exist. Sometimes you have to know you’re alive. immerse yourself in every goddamn experience. Find them, create them, exploit them.

Just don’t let it all pass you by.

You have one chance.

Take it.

I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let’s evolve, let the chips fall where they may – Tyler Durden.

Always be changing always be evolving. Grow. Adapt.

Want for something better. Strive for something more. Deal with what happens when it happens. Build bridges.

Be like water.


1. Have something to say.

Have a message. Have something you believe so strongly in that it becomes a part of you.  Live your Message, don’t deviate from it. If you stand for something, STAND for it. Be it. Defend it.

Be prepared to live and die for this.

2.  Drink the Kool – Aid.

Don’t just tell others what you believe in. Be it. Get in there and fight. Stand by your what it is you would die for. Invest in yourself. Invest in your followers.

Stand by your convictions. Embrace your philosophy. Buy into your own hype, your own ideas and ideals.

3. You are your people.

Build lifelong relationships with your fans.

Stand alongside your people and always have their back. Always take the hits with them and for them. As they would do for you. This is your community. These are your people. Stand with them, in defiance, in agreement. As one.

Lead by example. Be the first to jump on that grenade. Be the first to stand tall when faced with the unknown or faced with certain death.

Be the one they want to be.

4. Blur the Lines

Be your alter ego. Make life one big game. Decide that reality and fantasy are not exclusive. Create your world the way you want it to be. Make it up as you go.

It is, after all, your life to live any way that you choose.

So choose. 

Picture This:

You have a blank piece of paper and a pen that will let you create your life from now on. The one you want. You can write who you are. Every little detail. There are no right or wrongs.

This is you creating your life. Remember what comes first might be what you think you should write. Sometimes things don’t come too easily either. Sometimes we just aren’t sure.

Don’t censor yourself. Don’t hold out. Anything ANYTHING you want to be, is yours to be for this moment. get it all down. Who cares, who gives a shit. It’s a goddamn piece of bloody paper.

And it’s your own damn life. So write it.

This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time.

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