Daring and Disruptive: Know Your WHY, Change the World


I’ve been watching Lisa Messenger for the past couple of years. She’s the darling of the entrepreneurial world in Australia, and I’ve been curious why. Her book “Daring and Disruptive” has answered my questions.

Lisa’s down to earth, gutsy and has an entrepreneurial streak and drive to succeed that is refreshing because she is not the head of a large traditional multinational company. She’s creating her own empire and helping people create their own success along the way through collaboration and thought leadership.

This book is for anyone who is interested in the story behind the Renegade Collective and in particular ‘The Collective Magazine’. It provides insight into her business history and shows how she has succeeded and failed.

The main message I took away from this book is to understand and then clearly communicate your why. What is your reason for starting your business? Your response needs to be passionate and be a burning desire for you to make real change. This needs to drive everything you do in your personal and professional life.

If there is no passion, then you will not have the right attitude, and your reactions to the challenges that you will inevitably face in life will make it difficult for you to succeed without getting burnt out. She advocates the need to look after yourself and be mindful not only of getting exercise and eating healthy, but also to create an inspiring environment to work in.

Develop your personal brand by being real, understanding the role of failure in success and learning to partner to achieve scale. Let your guiding values set the path and then detach from the outcome, knowing that you are committed to making a positive difference in the world, through your business. Sometimes the form that this takes will surprise you. Learn to roll with it.

Lisa’s business lessons are not new, however—they are universal. If you like Lisa Messenger then her messages will appeal to you, and they will motivate you.


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