How to Pitch Like a Pixar Producer
How to Pitch Like a Pixar Producer
What the Decline of The Simpsons can Teach you About Your Great Work
A fascinating mini-documentary by Youtuber Super Eyepatch Wolf reveals the importance of staying true to your values.
Why Great Artists Only Create for an Audience of One
Developing an audience of millions starts with an audience of one.
All the Pieces Matter: A Master Storyteller’s Battle to Create His Great Work
Actors wanted to quit. The network threatened to cancel. But nothing could stop David Simon from creating the greatest, most important TV show of all time.
Why is it so Damn Scary to Create Something Great?
Iconic illustrator Christoph Niemann confronts the three fears every creative faces.
The Author of ‘The War of Art’ is Preparing to Take us on The Artist’s Journey
What if *happily ever after* was not the end of the story, but the beginning of a more important one?
Why a Bad First Draft is a Good Thing
or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love my Writing at its Worst.
To create a truly original idea, we must first steal it from those who came before.
Should Artists Quit Their Day Job?
A recent NYT article claims having a day job can result in better art, but it forgets the golden rule of the creative process.
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