Experience VS Money: What Matters Most?
The 8 Percent is all about the convergence of entrepreneurism and art. Bringing you the latest in creativity, innovation, thought-leadership, and anything on the bleeding edge.
Experience VS Money: What Matters Most?
Now’s the Time to Give a Damn!
You do not have a time management or productivity issue. You have a “don’t give a fu*k” issue.
Profit or Growth? What a Stupid Question
The startup that considers scaling more valuable than profit is the startup destined to fail.
We all want to surround ourselves with people who share our values, but if we don’t stay true to these values, how can we expect them to do the same?
Winston Churchill: The Voice of Resilience
As the world sank into some of the darkest days in human history, Winston Churchill stood as a beacon in the face of tyranny and fear.
Why would consumers buy your product if you don’t give them a reason to buy into you?
Shaquille O’Neal: The Big Aristotle
The Shaq Attack is defined not only by a legendary career on the basketball court, but the knowledge and determination that fostered what came after.
The Key to Being Original in Business
Don’t think there’s room to be original in business anymore? You’re wrong.
Brian May: Astronomic Rockstar
You know him as the guitarist of Queen, but his generation-spanning musical legacy is only one of Dr. Brian May’s great achievements.
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