
Social activist, Malala Yousafzai. US Vogue editor, Anna Wintour. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg. Apple founder and visionary, Steve Jobs. Chef, Heston Blumenthal. Theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking. South African musicians, Die Antwoord.
Could these people be any more different?
And yet, they all have one thing in common.
The Work.
The 8 Percent is a concept created by founder and CEO, Leela Cosgrove, to describe the people she works with who go beyond just wanting to create financial success, but who are dedicated to creating organisations that work together towards excellence.
An 8 Percent Organisation inherently understands that financial success follows mastery of every area of their business. From their sales process through to the delivery of their product – and how all of these things, as an ecosystem, impact their clients, society and the planet.
At The 8 Percent we help those people described above to finely hone their business skills. We work with people from all industries, from fashion to industrial manufacturing and everything in between, who strive to do better and be better. We use in-depth and holistic consulting along with our world-famous training in sales and marketing to give business owners a leg-up in their industry.