Thinking Needs Some Action (Part II)



Sitting in the Bar is a lonely guy called THINKING. He is discussing his ‘situation’ with the BARTENDER who has kindly offered to take him through a bit of roleplay.

The story continues…



Alright then Dough Boy, what’s your favourite food?


Hey? Adventure? Oh God!

Yup. I eat that stuff up for breakfast.

Shakes head)

No seriously. Adventure is my sustenance.

Are you sure you’re not a Dad, with jokes like that?


So what is it about adventures you like so much?

I love to go to new places, talk to new people, listen to different music and read books outside what I normally do. I want to experience things. See things. Do…things.

Every time I go somewhere new and exciting I am inspired. I live off it. That’s why this job is killing me.

You think you hate your job? Try being hit on night after night by guys with a mug uglier than yours!

Sheesh harsh, you’re no oil painting yourself.

That’s no way to treat a lady.

Lady Schmady. I bet you photoshop all your pictures.

Well, I can just imagine you sitting there, 80’s photo shoot, hand strategically placed on chin, knee propped on log or something, stuffed panther. Mullet. Always frozen in time. Just like that statue – The Thinker.


I hate, hate , hate that damn Statue. The Thinker.  I really despise that thing. I mean, can you think of anything more boring than sitting there, chin on hand on knee, constantly in a state of motionlessness, sobriety and stagnation like some bad piece of taxidermy.

So you can’t sit still then? Do you have worms or something?

Ha. No. Well maybe. Nah, jokes. Hey I’m all for a bit of couch time, but I got to get out there and be doing stuff.

Yeah. Stuff is good.

The worst thing you could do for any creative pursuit is to try and sit there and think, be still, and force things to happen. Thinking works best when there is action and movement. Non action can be a premature ending.

So when you go on these adventures. Do you fly solo or with a group, a friend or what?


I like to be around other people. If I go on my own I like to get out and meet people.

(looks around)
Oh right. You and your imaginary friends.

Nah they’ve deserted me. I would definitely say I am a social guy. I love having those, er, conjoined experiences.

Conjoined experiences? Are you talking about Siamese twins, pervert?

Hey they need love too.

I guess so.

Hey after a few drinks I’m anybody’s.

Hands over another Scotch)

Oh I like you already.

So you’re a drinker then?

I’ll admit, I do love to have a few drinks with friends. I’m a happy drunk, in the company of others. It loosens me up. My friends would say that I am loveable and just likes to share things, stories, ideas. I love working with people, but I also love the sound of my own voice. I just love to be around people. Socialise. Collaborate. Plan world domination. You know, the usual stuff.

The process of interaction and creative collaborative thinking helps to generate ideas, ones you may have never considered on your own. Bringing together other people’s perceptions, thoughts and ideas makes for a more rounded creative experience. Allow yourself to be manic, use chaos to find order. Voice your opinion, throw yourself at the problem or creative endeavour and see where it all will lead.

Oh you’re one of those loud obnoxious types then are you?


Obnoxious. Well most definitely. Haha. No. I would not really consider myself a loud person. It’s just that sometimes my best work, my best ideas are created when I am expressing myself out loud.

I reckon you could get a little rowdy.I can just imagine you being that cheeky kid in school, the class clown. All loud and disruptive.

Yeah, it’s true. Sometimes I am that LOUD drunk in the Pub putting on a show for everyone. But as soon as there is debate, as soon as we get to running our mouths off with all our ideas, not holding back, it’s fun. It’s a game.

When you don’t have time to deliberate over the problem or idea, and you have to answer back with whatever is on your mind, those thinking processes go into overdrive, the same way that adrenaline can make you do crazy things. When you have to think out loud. It’s like verbal brainstorming. Getting everything out without that filter. Sometimes you say some dumb shit but sometimes what you say triggers something else. And hearing stuff back always seems different as well.


Ha well. That’s kind of true. Though I was only really disruptive when I was bored. Ask me to sit still I couldn’t but I do love to learn.

I Love to fill myself up with knowledge. But I want to touch and taste and smell and experience what I am learning about. Being told something is such a way and being told to sit and absorb just doesn’t cut it for me. And I if I can’t ask questions, or challenge an idea, or inquire further about a topic then I just get frustrated. I love to know everything about everything you know?

I’m sure you do. You have stalker written all over you.

What can I say? I am visual. I am auditory. Kinaesthetic. I really like to be involved in whatever it is I am doing, have the experience, feel immersed. Peering through windows is a favourite pastime of mine.

The would explain the bottle of Windex in your back pocket.

It’s Kool Aid actually.

But seriously, I would get very agitated if I had to sit still in a classroom without any movement.

And it’s why we learn best, when we’re actively involving our hands and our minds, despite what it is we may need to find a solution for or what it is we seek. Take time away from the actual act of creation or work and get involved in something that turns off those ‘thinking’ processes and switches on those ‘doing’ processes to get more work done, more ideas. Different and exciting pathways emerge. You learn as you go, you learn best whilst being on the playing field.

So got any hidden talents?

Well I’m not sure you would say it’s a hidden talent. But I am, generally, a great problem solver.

Really, problem solver?


You got a problem?

As a matter of fact, I do have a problem. Can you help?

Of course, I am THE problem solver. Well most of the time. I can solve just about anything! Try me!

Can you solve a problem like Maria?

Can anyone solve a problem like Maria?

Ha. Probably not!

As a problem solver I must tell you that I do have a thing for whiteboards, markers and post it notes. It’s true. Let me have them. Let me draw and write all over them. I want to see things, large and small. Big details, small details everything in between.

I need space and I need movement to work things out, not stuck at some desk ‘trying’ to figure stuff out. I need to be able to immerse myself in the problem, see the solutions, physically and mentally.

Anything else feels like death.

Those ideas and thoughts regarding what it is you have been working on,  hovering over or slaving away at, will fall away to allow the imagination to fight down the conscious and more freely move towards an outcome, when you are allowed to move around.

So then, what is one thing I don’t know about you…or wouldn’t really guess?” What is your guilty pleasure?


I’m a little embarrassed to say, but only because of what others might think, that one of the things I love to do when I’m alone is colour in.

So you’re the one who draws all over the place mats in restaurants?


You know, it may seem simple. It may seem childish. But have you ever needed to solve a problem small or large and yet the more you work on it the further the solution seems to be. As if you’re pushing it away?

Sure I guess.

If I need to take time out, I just get out my box of crayons, some colouring in books, or line art and begin to colour, trying to get the colours really vivid and thick. I like it because I can at one time switch off as the same time I am actively creating something, that doesn’t take much effort but I’ve had my best ideas come to me this way.

Try taking an image, some crayons or pencils whatever is your preference. And sit and colour. Think about the colours you’re using. Think about really covering up the image. If you’re using crayons get them down to nothing or near nothing. Focus on moving that hand. Those ideas in the back of your mind will start to move forward as if they want to witness what you are doing. They will want to say ‘hey, I’m still here.’ Once you have relaxed in that mode, one still full of action, ideas come faster, clearer.

So. What do you think?

I like you. You ask a lot of questions. I like that. So how’d I go?

Not bad. Not bad. I’d say you’re a doer upperer. So what’s your next move playboy?

Oh I have a plan!

Sometimes laying plans in place can help you to work towards a goal. Remember all the points above to help you achieve it. And good luck!

PS. Thinking left his job and found a new one where he could explore all the things he loves above. He is very happy and has found a nice girl to go on adventures with.

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