Boss VS Leader


When you’re in the thick of it, sometimes it can be difficult to define the difference between a boss and a leader. The difference is certainly there though, and it absolutely matters.


Anybody can start a business tomorrow and call themselves a boss. They can establish a goal, hire staff, then charge them with pursuing this goal.

The leader goes further. The leader builds a tribe. The tribe does not work for the leader; they work for the goal, and the leader works alongside them.

A boss focuses on the process, uses people, and only thinks short term.

A leader focuses on the people, helps them improve, and is always considering the future.

When something goes wrong, the boss uses fear to inspire action. “If you don’t do your job better, next week you won’t have a job!”

The leader builds respect. They address the setback, and ask “what can we do to avoid similar issues in the future?”

The boss micromanages because they are uncertain, because their vision is clouded and self-centred.

The leader delegates to make use of their tribe’s skills. They know that heightened responsibility is an effective way to reward diligent workers.

When the project is complete, the boss takes all the credit.

When the project is complete, the leader gives credit.

A boss will then move onto the next project.

A leader, on the other hand, is sure to reflect on what has come before. Alongside their tribe, the leader works to understand what will make the results of the next project even bigger and better than the last.


The important thing to keep in mind is this:

‘Boss’ is a role.

‘Leader’ is a recognition of and respect for ability.

To manage, to be the boss, is to plant the seed from which strong leadership sprouts. It takes time, it takes nurturing, but the process won’t just help you in the end, it will help your entire business.

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