Author: The 8 Percent

The 8 Percent is all about the convergence of entrepreneurism and art. Bringing you the latest in creativity, innovation, thought-leadership, and anything on the bleeding edge.

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March 21, 2016

Experience VS Money: What Matters Most?

by The 8 Percent

How Do You Build Your Tribe?

March 11, 2016

We all want to surround ourselves with people who share our values, but if we don’t stay true to these values, how can we expect them to do the same?


You Are Your Brand

March 7, 2016

Why would consumers buy your product if you don’t give them a reason to buy into you?


Brian May: Astronomic Rockstar

March 3, 2016

You know him as the guitarist of Queen, but his generation-spanning musical legacy is only one of Dr. Brian May’s great achievements.


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