Author: Mitch Ziems

From a young age, Mitch dedicated himself to writing. He thrives on shaping stories of great endeavours, no matter the form they take. He came to Melbourne to surround himself with likeminded people, and soon found a home in The 8 Percent. Mitch writes mainly on futurology, creativity, and brand activism.

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May 20, 2016

George Soros’ Billion Dollar Day

by Mitch Ziems

Aaron Swartz: Digital Dreamer

May 19, 2016

Wunderkind Aaron Swartz dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and a free internet, ultimately becoming an icon of the digital world.


What Does Warren Buffett See in Yahoo?

May 18, 2016

Yahoo has failed to remain relevant, yet the news that Warren Buffett is involved in bidding for the company’s online portfolio has experts asking “is there something we’ve missed?”


Ayrton Senna: Race to the Top

May 10, 2016

Ayrton Senna was determined to make it to the top. After all, “Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose”.


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